DSF Materiality Review to take place in 2023
DSF Materiality Review to take place in 2023
As outlined in the DSF’s 2020 – 2025 Strategic plan, in 2023 the DSF Secretariat will commission a materiality review of the 11 DSF Criteria to ensure they remain fit for purpose, retaining the dairy sector’s efforts at the cutting edge of sustainability actions. The DSF recognises the importance of reviewing the sectors global sustainability Criteria, just as members are required to deliver at a regional/local level. To ensure an efficient and focused process it is anticipated that materiality analysis undertaken by DSF Members, regardless of the complexity or scale of the analysis, will be a critically important input to this global review. The plan is to initiate the review in Q1 2023.
Members are requested to consider how they might be able to share their own materiality assessments with the appointed contractor (under confidentiality) and to please connect with the DSF Secretariat if they have any questions related to this process.