DSF 2018 Reporting Results
DSF 2018 Reporting Results
We recently shared the first aggregated member reporting results for seven of the 11 criteria covering the environmental, economic and social sustainability factors. These data are from 2018 and reported by DSF members in 2019. Members have reported this year on all 11 criteria so the 2019 data will include the remaining four criteria, which were launched in 2019, and will be reported later in 2020. There is now a page to the DSF website to acknowledge all those member organisations who have taken the time to report to us with data in 2020.
The 2018 reporting shows the growth in members’ efforts to address priority criteria and implement improvement/mitigation programs to measure their progress in soils, water quality, biodiversity and working conditions. Alongside this there was also positive progress reported in the further three criteria - animal care, water efficiency and GHG emissions. If you haven’t had a chance to look at the reporting dashboard it can be downloaded from the homepage of the DSF website.